
Chen Zihang is a bachelor student of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His research interests include computer architecture, micro-processor design and micro-architecture exploration. He used to be an intern at XiangShan group, Beijing Institute of Open Source Chip to develop high-performance RISC-V processor and implement some novel architectures on the simulators. Now, He is a first-year phd student in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), supervised by Prof LIU Hongyuan.

Download my resumé .

  • Computer Architecture
  • Processor Design
  • Micro-architecture exploration
  • Phd in Microelectronics, 2023-expected

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)


Research Assistant
Mar 2023 – Aug 2023 Guangzhou, China
focus on GPGPU architecture
Jun 2022 – Mar 2023 Beijing, China

Responsibilities include:

  • Implement difftest and GCPT restorer
  • Explore speculative renaming
  • Implement decoupled frontend on GEM5
Research Assistant
Mar 2022 – Jun 2022 Beijing, China
Received comprehensive training and exploit NEMU to generate some workloads and checkpoints…
Teaching Assistant
Aug 2022 – Aug 2022 Nanjing, China
Taught how to design a MIPS processor and use Vivado.
Teaching Assistant
Nov 2021 – Nov 2021 Nanjing, China
Taught how to design a MIPS processor and use Vivado.


development of GEM5 for XiangShan group
RV32I RISC-V Processor
RV32I RISC-V Processor that enables to run embeded operating system like RT-Thread and interact with devices
RV32I RISC-V Processor

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